Friday, February 1, 2013

What a morning

Met with Zoeys actual surgeon for the first time this morning a little after 730.  Once again, opinions varied & inconsistencies from what we were told earlier this week & by his own residents.  He seemed to think that there were improvements, despite all of her levels being artificially kept up.  My thought process was that you can keep most things "okay" with enough help, doesn't mean It's getting any better, along with similar opinion from the NICU doctors.  His demeanor towards the "situation" didn't go over well with either of us so at the end of the conversation I asked for a second opinion from the department chair. That went over like a fart in church with him & his team quickly left.

About 20 minutes ago the Neo-natal department chair sat down with us & shared a conversation with Zoey's surgeon.  That conversation then revealed that Zoey WILL be having exploratory surgery this afternoon to figure out what is going on EXACTLY on. 

I requested that Zoey's surgeon come back up & we talk it out, 1on1.  He did & we started over & things went very well.

So, Zoey is a go sometime this afternoon & we are at the mercy of the OR schedule.  So, good, bad, or indifferent we will finally have some answers & direction. 

Krista & Allen have come down for much needed support.


1 comment:

  1. So happy you have a direction and a plan. Continuing prayers to guide the surgeon as he hopefully finds the answers to what's causing little Zoey's illness, and also a way to fix this so she is healthy, comfortable, and can get back to being naturally stable again. Good luck, praying with all my heart for good news when you're able.
