Wednesday, February 27, 2013

7 weeks old today

Zoey is 7 weeks old today & had a big day to celebrate.  Instead of the pic line they decided to put in another central venus line, this time in her arm, & everything went well with the procedure.  She has been moving & squirming all day & handled it well.  If anyone has been handling all of this well it's gotta be her I must say.  They elected to go this route as has less probability to be rejected & they can do blood draws & nutrients easier this way. They are going to try & jack up her feedings again over the next few days & get her to put some daddy weight on so she can get the heck out of here.  So we can all get out of here.  I must confess I'm burnt out of this place.  Seeing families come & go & constantly changing doctors sucks.  Wonderful usage of the english language I realize.  Just frankly don't want to do this anymore.  Don't need to have any messages of well-wishes or be happy stuff from anyone, just wanted to write it out instead of thinking it over & over haha.  I'm going to go home tonight as Sally has a SWAT banquet tomorrow night.  I need a reprieve from this place & RMH.  The monotony is laughable.  I got my laptop all set up so I can access our at-home DVR so I can watch some of my shows while I sit next to Zoey.  She holds my pinky or ring finger & I watch my shows.  That's how we roll. They never did her upward contrast study, which has been the great mystery as neither the NICU doctors or nurses know why they DIDN'T.  So got a few people trying to figure out what the other hand is doing once again.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the wall. While Derrick was lucky enough to be able to stay in Eau Claire (even though he did his best to go to Rochester), was only in the hospital for three weeks, and wasn't nearly as sick or as complicated as Zoey, I surely understand the feeling you've described. Everyone dreams of their positive pregnancy test resulting in a healthy squealing bundle of slippery pink squirminess, fully equipped to move from womb to world with relative ease. When that doesn't happen, it definitely takes its toll on everyone in every facet. Especially when there's a 3 hour drive tossed in the mix. Hang in there, I promise the wall doesn't last forever, but it's sure a pain to work around once it hits.
