Saturday, February 9, 2013

Reminder of the unknown

The baby I've talked about the past few posts passed away. Watching the family and parents go in & out of the room they had to themselves as we either came by or checked into Zoey's room was heartbreaking. Just a stark reminder of the fragility of everything around us & what we have no control of. Makes me so grateful for the healing Sally & Zoey has experienced over the past month thru conditions & surgeries. Guess we can add me to the list for current healing as well. They had a lot of family there so hopefully they are all there for each other & can find a way to heal & cope.

On that note Zoey had another day of progress. Day 2 of feeding again, which has been okay but not quite as well as hoped, but not unexpected & will be up & down as she gets going again. She's now up to a whopping 2 pounds 7 ounces, so progress is progress & we'll definitely take it.

Aunt Jan, Uncle Billy, Krista & Allen came down and had a great afternoon of visiting & laughing, hard not to when Billy comes around! However I seem to be the brunt of the jokes, per the norm haha.

I received my IV antibiotics overnighted & have a neat system that I'll be able to do on the go, at home, NICU, wherever. Takes about 2 hours per time, which will be twice a day, and while annoying, is way better than the over 3 hours twice a day at the hospital. It's eerily similar to the size of a grenade, so it's my grenade IV, it's the bomb..........hahahahaha

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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