Thursday, February 14, 2013

An interesting Day for Zo & Ray, Sally's day was boring :)

Zoey continues to have tummy issues, & while no where near what she was before with symptoms etc, some of her levels continue to incrementally rise, which as wrote in the past few days, has brought caution.  They have decided to put her on antibiotics to try & snuff out whatever is going on, as the hope as it may be coming from some slight redness, possibly infection, coming from one of her surgery ports (the yucky one), which makes sense for that to happen.  She continues to act normal, little feisty, little annoyed, so they continue to have her on her pain killer/soother.  Which for all intents & purposes, she is addicted to, as she's been on it for so long for what she's been through, again normal. So we have a little junkie baby, ha ha.  Good news is she's put on solid weight in the last few days.  She is now OFFICIALLY 2 pds 13oz & some odd grams.  So she's exceeded her birth weight by over a pound (1 pd 10oz) & according to the docs, unless she gets sick sick again, she shouldn't fall beneath & will continue to go up with the nutrients she's being fed.  The significance of this is she's now over half way home in terms of weight in being able to be able to be transferred back to Eau Claire, assuming her surgery ports stay okay & they don't have to go back in to fix the intestines again.  Keep those fingers crossed.  Had a great conversation with my uncle Andy last night that has made me reflect a lot & I found a passage that has soothed me in the past few days that hangs in the hallways of RMH.  "If it beyond me, let me hand it over to God."  I attempted to look it up but wasn't able to find it anywhere so it must be a saying out there commonly used.  By no means am I going to become preachy in these postings nor do I need it from anyone but a select few, but it has brought me to a calm center with everything that has happened with Z, Sally's initial battle, & my blasted wrist.

I received a call from the company that is being used to drop ship my meds to me that an order was made to them to change my meds.  I confirmed the address & clarified what I did/didn't need for peripheries & wondered what was going on.  Called the hospital, spent an hour on the phone, left several messages for my "team."  What a surprise, not a SINGLE call made back to me or voicemail for that matter, I'm still in the dark 14 hours later.  Amazing, my entire med list is changed with no notice as to why.  The laugh-ability continues to mount of my entire "Mayo" experience.  The meds arrived at RMH at 6pm for me to start taking.  New Orleans this morning to Rochester MN this evening.  The amount of money is pharmaceuticals is disgusting.  I keep reminding myself that Zoey's care is amazing & I'll continue to battle through with my stuff.  I have a follow-up with my surgeon tomorrow who has NOTHING to do with my change in meds as they have an entire department that controls that side of things down here, guess get to add to the circus and get some answers, good or bad.

Sally worked on her second day back & comes back tomorrow for the weekend.  Relieved she's coming back, Zo & myself miss her.  Zoey & I got to spend some QT tonight doing some Kangaroo Kare, which I haven't been able to do for weeks, just as Sally hadn't due to Zo being so sick.  It's amazing how the hours just melt away holding her.  Intended to be an hour, suddenly 3 hours were POOF gone.

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