Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jam Packed day

Zoey had an interesting day. They've increased her feedings again, which is great obviously as she's digesting & putting on the weight she needs to catch up. Found it interesting on our baby app that gives updates along the gestational timeline on various things I have that it says that your baby should be at around 3.75 pounds and the size of some exotic African fruit. Well we might be a bit behind on the weight but I have to say for us to be able to see Zoey grow from something SOOOOOO small and slowly mature is an incredible experience, despite the absolute crap going along with it. She looks like our little peanut anyways, not some silly fruit only my Aunt Stacy would eat anyways ;). The turned the pressure on her c-pap back up a bit so she could have the oxygen pushed in lessened, which will hopefully allow for her to get the fluid off her lungs, which should be off very shortly, if not already. Several labs were run as well to check in on several important different markers & all came back okay.

Nice pic of her stretching & putting her hand behind her head while I changed her, she seems to like it when I change her & talk to her, seemingly opens her eyes every time. Gosh I'm a sucker already lol.

4 hours of appointments today for me on stuff I should've had done on Monday, mixed in with apologies from 2 different departments. They may do some amazing things down here, but they sure make the day to day stuff difficult, even for themselves. Throw in a dead battery on a 3 year old vehicle & getting a jump in a parking ramp & wasting away for 2 hours at Ford & you've got a full day. But, I got cleared to see Zoey and was able to spend some quality time with Sally & Z while they did their K Kare. Not being able to see her for the past nearly 3 days with being only 2 blocks away has been awful & hard on Sally, her being away at work, not being able to see Z herself & help me while I was attention seeking being sick, haha. But, I'm getting better and at dinner tonight we had a neat moment. While Sally was away from the table the waitress came up & asked,"how long have you guys been dating?" I laughed & made my ring obvious and said,"we've been married over 5 years & together for over 10." She responded with a great compliment of,"oh, you guys seemed to enjoy each others company so much, I thought you guys had just started dating." I thanked her, reflected, & shared with Sally, which she, of course, made a silly joke out that the waitress was probably trying to make a pass on me. Obviously not. But we laughed about & agreed that we do enjoy each others company & makes me happy that it shows.

We also had to move down a floor as they are renovating the 3rd floor next week. As we are designated a "long term family" we were guaranteed a room as they will be closing half the floor for 2 weeks and then the other half for the next 2 it appears. Unfortunate for some of the other families, however frustrating we have to be here, selfishly grateful we don't have to move to a hotel & deal with that mess. So those of you that send cards & care packages and random much appreciated things (little spoon!), we are now in room 204, same address which was 850 2nd St SW Rochester MN

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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