Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quick update

Just a few things in a quick update.  Zoey continues gaining weight.  Yesterday, Tuesday, every separate team of Drs that work with Zoey said she can have the green light to advance on feeds since she's tolerating them. can hear that girl working on moving things through her system at times.  The resident was even laughing at her making faces, turning all red, and the faces she made at us laughing at her then.  They love how comedic she is.  Anyhow, back to the real info. 

They did more testing on the liver biopsy sample and those tests have also all come back negative on top of what they already tested for.  This is awesome news!  Doesn't mean something can't come up later with her liver but they're feeling more and more that her liver issues should clear up with time and growth once she's off the TPN.  Her bilirubin number was also down quite a bit despite her TPN being so high for almost a week now.  This is great since they haven't done anything new to try and get that to lower than what they've been doing.  All of her lab work also came back looking great!

They also have given us the go ahead to start oral feeds when she wants.  So instead of just practicing on that, we can actually try for the purpose of feeding now.  This will be a great time to start that too because she's acting like she's starving and can't get enough food so I think she'll be eager to try.  That's all for now...more to come when we have it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for good liver news!! Yay for good weight gains!! Yay for trying to eat for real!! YAY FOR ZOEY!!! :o)
