Sunday, April 7, 2013

Excited about Poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop!

Well the last 4 days have been a big deal.  Zoey has gradually went up weight every single day since they started her re-feeding & made several adjustments with her feedings/nutrients/upping & lowering etc, etc, etc.  Last night she went up 140 grams & is increasingly more & more active since her big day earlier this week with the poking & prodding & testing.  Docs & nurses are pleased with this growth once again & this sloooooooooooooow climb towards 5 pounds & the eventual surgery.  The reason for the title is Zoey has had 3 poops, the first time she's been able to since her surgery & being unhooked 2 & 1/2 months ago.  This is a big deal for her & her progression.  While it's not much that they're re-feeding, it's proof that we need that her lower intestine & all the intricate parts down there are working, at least to some degree.  While we don't know what things will look like once Zoey goes in & then out of surgery, this is a positive to be happy about that hopefully will be one step closer to getting Zoey home. Seems like there was a lot of days we never knew if this could or would ever be over.  Fingers crossed again.

1 comment:

  1. YAY FOR POOPS!!!!! :o) So happy to hear that things are starting to function as they should again, however slowly it may be. Your little love bug is doing so awesome :o) Keep it up guys, hopefully you're coming down the home stretch...literally and figuratively :o) Prayers every day :o)
