Monday, April 22, 2013

Liver biopsy results and there's nothing extra in or on my face anymore!

YAY!  You can see my whole face now!  We had a few positive changes today.  They took the replogle tube out of her nose which they were using to suction gunk out of her lungs and airway post-surgery from being intubated and loaded with fluids.  So now she has no more tubes or anything hanging on or out of her face!  First time since birth I think!! 

She also had poopy diapers all night which means her bowels have woke up much more than they were yesterday.  As a result, they started feeding her 1ml of milk per hour to start her out real slow and make sure there are no complications or intolerances.  They still have the TPN running to keep her up on calories in the meantime.  Last night, she weighed in at 5lb, 11oz.  They think most of her fluid retention has gone down so far so this is getting close to her accurate weight since they've been pumping in the TPN at a higher caloric rate since last Wednesday.  She's starting to look and act like a full term baby more and more all the time.  This also includes wanting to eat since she hasn't had milk since last Wednesday and she's apparently become more vocal and fussy which is very uncharacteristic of her.  The nurses got some Tylenol back on board in case she was in any discomfort since it also coincided with her cares and cleaning around the G-tube.  But they also noticed her settle in more after the milk started again so they think she was very hungry and eager to eat.  This will be a very good thing when it comes time to feed and gain weight to be able to go home.

The best news of the day is that the results of the liver biopsy came back, and in a short answer, they don't think she'll have any long term issues nor do they think she has any serious issues with her liver.  They feel that Zoey will be able to "grow out of" the current issues caused by the excessive TPN after getting off it and growing more.  They will continue to follow up with her after we go home to make sure they catch anything sooner than later if it looks like it's going to become a bigger issue.

Although the picture is a little dark, the nurses seem to think Zoey's pretty awesome since they are making more and more of these types of signs when they organize her room or write on the care cards.  Today under name they wrote "Princess Zoey."  This is how her bath supplies are labeled too for her "spa days" and her care card (which is what the nurse's make daily notes of anything major for the day) said "I am SO cute and I know it!"  It seems that she has a few fans there. :-D  These are also the nurses that love to cuddle her when we can't be there and make sure she still is feeling the love so we feel fortunate for that as well!


  1. I have been looking forward to this picture since the first ones you posted...with no tubes anywhere and her face is clear and open for the world to see!! What a great day!! And to find out that the liver biopsy came back with good news...even better! :o) I couldn't be happier for all of you :o) Soon your little snuggle bundle will be home with you...that is the next pic I am eager to see, and I anticipate it will be soon :o) Just remember, when she over-fills her diaper and she has poop coming out the legs, going up her back, in her hair, and you have to start a load of laundry and give her a bath just to get her into a clean diaper and outfit, that it's a good thing!! :oP LOL Great job letting the nurses know about your new milk habit keep that up and you're gonna be JUST fine!! :o) Sounds like you're on your last leg of this incredible journey. You've all done great, and the surreal feeling of putting your daughter in her car seat and bringing her home is on its way. I bet you guys will take turns driving home so you can watch her in the back seat!! LOL Better figure out soon who's going to drive first...haha!!

  2. SALLY! That makes me SO HAPPY! I am so extremely happy for you guys! So glad to see she is doing so well. Have been praying! Sorry I could not make it to your shower. I DO need to meet her though! Will continue to pray for her to get home SOON!!!
