Tuesday, March 12, 2013

2 days updates

Sally & I came back down yesterday morning after my dentist appointment.  Moving dentist appointments in EC is a nightmare.  We spent both a majority of yesterday & today with Zoey in the NICU.  Holding & KKare most of the day between pumping & doctors & breaks.  She weighed in at 3 pounds 13 ounces last night on her "new" scale in the new bed she was moved to Sunday, which is being called the "big girl crib" affectionately by the nurses, as well as another new room due to the wonderful MRSA.  She looks borderline ridiculous due to her size but it's a step for her that she's out of the "tube" & on her way to normal baby-dom.  Yes teachers out there I said baby-dom.  Her ROP eye exam unfortunately went poorly.  Her right eye is not developing appropriately & as of now is 50/50 for needing laser eye surgery.  Found this out with a phone call with a doctor we've never met.  We'll find out Thursday after her re-check again, which is the eye doc's surgery day, so if it continues to deteriorate over the next 2 days, he'll do surgery that day.  He decided to compare what she'd be without the surgery to Stevie Wonder, I failed to see the humor, but has been par for the course lately.  The great news is the success rate of the surgery is 92-95% to then stop the deterioration & essentially re-boot the development to have reasonable eye-sight.  Seeing Zoey with blood-shot red eyes is tough, those days are tough for her & she has to have no lights in the room for the day.  Her heart rate spikes & she's stressed out & she has to have feedings pulled for several hours.  Hopefully if she needs the surgery she can just get it done & not be prodded at so much in terms of her eyes, much less everything else for that matter.  Sally & I went home for tonight as she has to work tomorrow & Thursday & I have appointments tomorrow & I'll go back so I can be there Thursday morning for the in-person conversation with the doctor & be there for Zoey if she indeed does have the surgery.

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