Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rough Couple Days

Zoey's is officially in her first "set-back," which we're forewarned happens with all preemie's.  The medications she's on isn't getting her better.  Her heart rate is still way to elevated.  Her hemoglobin is way low again so another transfusion is being ordered.  Her sugar is way low again, so more nutrients being pushed.  Blood cultures aren't showing anything so they're doing those again to make sure they're not missing anything.  She's not producing enough urine even through a catheter to provide a urinalysis so they're trying to flush her to get some production.  They're going to do a lumbar puncture this morning to look for the serious stuff (meningitis etc) & hopefully rule that out as soon as possible.  Sorry for crappy update, been a crap 72 hours.  Go Vikings.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers, prayers, and more prayers for all of you. Every day, but especially now. Hoping for good news very soon. C'mon little Zoey, you can do this :o) Hang in there Sally and Ray, Zoey's lucky to have such a great mommy and daddy, and I am certain she knows it! :o)
