Updates for the day, here's the facts. We got a 6am phone call that Zoey need to be put on more drugs due to the fact that her heart rate had went way up again, her blood pressure had dropped too much, her levels of sugar, platelets, her belly swelled again, they would be putting in an arterial line, but her breathing was fine & several other things that I can't even remember any more it's been such a long day. At 7am got another call that they needed to re-intubate so she could focus all her energy on getting the infection taken care of (even though they weren't sure what was going on for sure) & get better. At this point I knew it was time to get to Rochester as we spent the night in EC. Sally & I hurried to Rochester & got to the NICU as one of the surgeons was putting a new arterial line into her foot as the one in her wrist was not outputting enough. All day was x-rays, surgeons, specialists, forewarning the worst & hopeful that this latest blast of meds & nutrients would be enough to avoid surgery for NEC, despite the fact this wasn't absolutely a lock what was going on as there was no proof of a perforation or abscess in her belly. Essentially we're hurrying up & waiting through the monitoring of what's going on for the process to play through. The tone of conversations & bluntness of the specialists have us feeling that the surgery is going to happen, it's mostly just a matter of when. Her stats for the day have improved as of this writing, however they're all forced by the meds etc. So the conversation of "she has to tell us to do the surgery by getting better or not" has changed to "we're making her be okay artificially, not her making herself get better." The chaplain came a few times & we prayed & cried & I had a fairly frank conversation on statistics & results with one of the neonatal heads so that was a positive. So, Zoey will get x-rays through the night & continue to get her 1 on 1 nurse care & when the morning comes we'll know if we need to let the meds continue to take its course or the surgeons decide to essentially perform an exploratory surgery to find out what's going on with our little girl.
For those we haven't called back...we apologize but this is the most exhausting & painful thing we've ever been through. When WE feel it's proper time to reach out we will. Please be thankful for these updates & be okay with them, as this is enough of a chore at times. We love you all.
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