Our journey through dealing with preeclampsia, HELPP syndrome, premature birth, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, the Jejunostomy procedure, the trials, tribulations, joys & sorrows of the process & some interesting bumps in the road.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Whole lot of waiting & a moment of sheer happiness
Our moment of happiness & joy was when Pastor Tyler from Sally's childhood church, who married us, came down & gave Zoey her baptism in the event this surgery goes down or if anything should happen. It was a really special moment for Sally & I as it brought things to a calm & centered state amid all this craziness. We can't say enough how important it was to us to get this done & and the compassion & sincerity of Pastor Tyler in his willingness to come at a moments notice to visit, to talk, to give a prayer, whatever we needed. Beyond words how much it meant. Got some really great pictures...............but it was a crazy day & I forgot the memory card at the NICU.........tbpl (to be posted later (pretty sure I just made that up))
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Evening update
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Holding pattern
Zoey got a bit worse overnight with her stats however the xrays aren't showing any definitive results, any more positive or negative. The surgeons don't appear comfortable quite yet doing essentially an exploratory surgery. So we are waiting, waiting, & waiting. Her belly is more distended & her levels are all barely stable due to all the stuff being pumped in. So, hanging on & out.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Day 5 of Setback
For those we haven't called back...we apologize but this is the most exhausting & painful thing we've ever been through. When WE feel it's proper time to reach out we will. Please be thankful for these updates & be okay with them, as this is enough of a chore at times. We love you all.
Hurrying back to Rochester
Heading back to Rochester. Got a 6am dropping blood pressure call & 7am we had to re-intabate call. Supposedly to concentrate all her energy on dealing with infection going on. I have about as much confidence in their prognosis lately as me losing weight, those who know me, that isn't good.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Evening update
Sally & I are back in EC for the night as I had appointments today. Called on Zoey & she is still holding to how she was this morning, which was no worse but just a holding pattern of not feeling good. Still very swollen & whimpering when changing diapers (micro version of course) but still giving response, which is hard to see as a positive, but it is. Back in the AM till next week for more more appointments.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Sunday night
Zoey is a bit more feisty tonight again as I changed her & took temp. Stooling has changed from marconium to what appears the transition stuff so that's good. I'm talking about poop again, holy life changer haha. She is not naturally urinating everything out though so her fluid retention has went to her lower body in some interesting ways. Her color is a bit better and her evening xrays looked better than the afternoon, so all in all a better evening. Just have to wait it out & let the antibiotics do their thing & hopefully blasts whatever is going on away.
Sunday Afternoon 1/27 Update
Rough Couple Days
Friday, January 25, 2013
Zoey update for the night
7pm xrays didn't look any worse, so that's good. As of right now they don't see any tears in stomach/intestines as of the moment, so the suspicion is backed up guts essentially and some sort of infection that they are treating with antibiotics. Their suspicion is her lines are the culprit of the infection, which happens all the time with preemie's. She had to have a blood transfusion again to get her hemoglobin up which had resulted in how pasty & faded she was looking. By the time we left tonight she was looking a bit better, not like previous days, but on her way back hopefully. Going to go to bed early tonight with such a stressful day and tomorrow being a long day as well with going back to eau Claire & menomonie with my football stuff we'll need the rest!
Stressful day so far
Sally is being taken completely off her BP meds as her levels are now 90/63 so they're hoping that goes back up, and another followup next week.
Zoey is not having a good day. Very lethargic, belly is very bloated, & her color is very pasty. Certainly not how our Zoey normally is. They've done a chest/Belly x-ray and labs to figure this out. Her initial xray has some concerning areas of left vs right abdominal areas where there are density issues. They'll be waiting to do another xray tonight and results of the labs to eliminate infection or if antibiotics are necessary or if worse case surgery is needed.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Zoey moves rooms
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Zoey doing well again today 2 weeks old!!!
Zoey has been a rockstar the past few days. Not only on the c-pap & using no tube forced oxygen, they've also backed off the peep pressure to her lungs from 10 to 7 in the last 2 days, which is a huge deal. As the peep goes down it is more indicative of the fact she's breathing completely on her own & not needing the forced pressure to keep her lungs open for the nerve/organ/development. While she'll be on the c-pap for a long time, the peep levels hopefully we'll continually be dropped depending on how she does. Keep crossing fingers she does so well along with ours & everyone else's prayers, as her improvement by the day has been a blessing. One not so pleasant moment was her new born screening today, which tests for over 50 different potential errors with metabolic issues & multiple others. The lab techs failed twice on pulling the blood as they couldn't use the venus catheter for this procedure as the fluids within the line would contaminate the sample. So a transport nurse had to be called in to do the draw & apparently the best place to get this sample from preemie's is through the head in one of the veins at the top of her head. Unlike the last bone-head decision I made watching her be int-abated I chose to look away & not know what was exactly happening. Of course I had to know later so I pushed Sally at dinner and she shared. I need to start listening when she says,"you're not going like this" when she says that in regards to Zoey. Lesson learned again apparently haha. Zoey's milk intake has increased from .5 cc's every 2 hours to 1 to 2.6 to 4 cc's in the last 4 days, so she's went WAY up. Which is great as she's had minimal to zero residual (left-over in her belly) so it's moving down, however it is getting stuck in her intestines as her stooling has slowed again. So back to suppositories unpleasantness & monitoring how she does. However, I got to do the diaper today & she had a big duker so nurses/docs/parents happy, funny how a poop brings joy.
Sally's parents came down for the day & were a great help once again. They made us a "picnic" lunch at RMH of corn dogs & corn on the cob, simple but great! Plus Sally wasn't able to eat corn dogs while pregnant so a return to normalcy a bit there. Krista went to Sally's doc appt with her while Allen & I ran a couple errands, had some coffee, & talked down in the Rochester "subway" while the ladies were at the appointment. We then proceeded over to the NICU for some grandparent time. I went and talked with another couple that is here that is going through a horrible ordeal getting their baby transferred back to EC after their baby was brought back to stable after she was brought to Rochester. Insurance, staffing issues, & beds thought to be filled by possible births. If we have this kind of problems they are going through when Zoey hopefully can be transferred I'm going to go ballistic.
We went back to RMH for dinner & Allen & Krista made us tater-tot hot dish. Amazing how home made comfort food makes ya feel "at home" a bit & is so soothing. Maybe why I'm so beefy, haha. They went home after dinner & we headed back over to the NICU for our night shift.
Oh almost forgot to talk about Sally's doc appt to follow up with her appointment from last week. Her BP has now completely flipped as being 100/50, which they are now concerned on as that's obviously way too low, so BP meds are being reduced & will hopefully improve her energy level, as she's been incredibly drained the last few days. Hopefully this will be the answer as to why she's been this way & back to her normal self. Labs were drawn for Sally as well for liver function, heart (for post-partum congestive heart failure concerns), blood platelet levels, and hemoglobin levels.
So, while back at the NICU........right now the nurses are struggling with moving the c-pap machine & getting it situated so Zoey & Sally are at least somewhat comfortable & relaxed for Sally's second kangaroo kare session. Alright, things are set! Time for a couple photos & sign off for the night.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Amazing how days just fly by
Monday, January 21, 2013
Daddy's Turn to hold Zoey for first time
Sally & I slept in today after a long weekend & relaxed a bit, missed an alarm that we both slept through so we obviously needed the rest. Went over to the NICU for a bit, Sally changed her diaper again and I got to hold Zoey today for the first time for 2 hours! The time just flew by until my back seized up & I'm the one that needed the break. The nurses were pleased with her stats while she was on me so they were going to let her stay as long as I could stand it. In terms of her health they were able to reduce her respiration rate to ZERO, so she's breathing on her own completely with the exception of the PEEP, which puts pressure into her lungs, essentially so they don't collapse & continue to grow & develop the nerve endings/clusters/etc in there. Her fluid retention has been reduced greatly in the past few days with the supplements she's been getting, reducing the Chronic Respiratory Disorder she's going to have while she's here & growing, which happens with baby's of her gestational age. Sally & I are going to head home to EC for the night as I have to continue my doc visits for my wrist/hand tomorrow, have a good night home to take care of mail, start my vehicle in this ridiculous cold, & any other stuff we need to take care of. We'll be back again tomorrow after that.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
An amazing ending to a great day
Saturday, January 19, 2013
10 Days old!!!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Great Day for Zoey!!!
So Zoey had her central venus catheter put in. She was given glowing remarks by her doctor & the nurses on how well she took it & reacted to the medicine, the process, & how she's done so far today. Sally was ALSO able to perform Zoey's FIRST BATH! Pretty precious stuff watching all of this going on & taking pictures/video taping etc. Watching being lifted & moved around by the nurse & seeing Sally doing "motherly" things makes me at ease knowing that after all of this, all of the time away from home, & whatever may come ahead, I've got a kick-butt wife/momma to our Zoey. While this is something I've always known, seeing it in action is pretty special stuff. On another happy note, they're going to try her C-Pap again tomorrow morning, as her levels are normal & acceptable for them to try again. Whether it's 45 minutes again, days, or here on out she has to fight to breath on her own & this is how it's done. Plus, considering she's constantly tugging at her breathing tube, I'd say she's hankering to get that thing out & prove she can do this.
1/17 Update Written 14 hours ago
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Evening Update Written Jan 16, 2013 9:04pm
Good day for Zoey, frustrating day for Sally. Sally's appointment for checkup from all of her issues from last week was 45 minutes delayed, which was frustrating as we were trying to get to see Zoe's social worker (standard for premie's) before she left for the day. Unfortunately Sally's labs were also poor results. While her blood pressure is okay, her platelet levels are 40,000 less than what the docs consider acceptable & her iron level are poor as well. So, we're looking at getting a transfusion again for Sally, similar to what she had got so she was able to deliver Zoey. Zoey, on the other hand, had another good day. She had stooled twice, which was a big deal, as she was having some issues passing up to today, which is encouraging. Because she was able to do this & her hemoglobin levels were good she was able to be removed from under the Bilirubin lights & swaddled & put in normal light. She looked as calm & comfortable as we've seen her since, well, birth. Krista was down for the day as well & provided a sounding board for questions for us, story telling, & help for me while we ran errands & coming & going from appointments & buildings, much appreciated by us. Exhausted & pump time, out for the night
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Tuesday Afternoon Written Jan 15, 2013 4:58pm
Sitting with Sally while she's pumping in the NICU. Incredible how much more relaxed & happier she is when she's here & when Zoey is doing well. Makes me feel better too in turn. Zoey is doing well today. She was scheduled to get the umbilical lines taken out but....guess what......Zoey fought that idea too. They were supposed to move to an arterial line & pic line to reduce the risk for infection as opposed to the umbilical line, which is only good for a little over 10 days. They were going to try again later however the people that put them in aren't available anymore today so they'll try again tomorrow hopefully. Zoey is doing well with the larger breathing tube & they've been able to actually turn down her oxygen levels again already, so at least she's cooperating in that regards. A nurse that we hadn't met with yet was very nice & very informative on all the lines, tubes, etc that Zoey is dealing with. She explained a lot of things that we had heard already but was good to hear a "refresher" on things as we are on information overload the past week. Alright, Sally's done. time to go hang with Zoey.
Fight Night for Zoey Written Jan 15, 2013 12:27am
Monday, January 14, 2013
Rochester bound again Written Jan 14, 2013 3:40pm
Monday morning 1/14 Written Jan 14, 2013 11:35am
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Sunday 1/13 afternoon Written Jan 13, 2013 2:45pm
Sunday morning Written Jan 13, 2013 10:39am
Sally is back asleep as needs to continue resting.
Sally Went Home tonight Written Jan 12, 2013 11:38pm
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Saturday afternoon Written Jan 12, 2013 2:46pm
Discharge day Written Jan 12, 2013 10:51am
Docs came in about an hour & a half ago and gave us surprising news that Sally would be discharged today. Kind of came from no where as the last 36 hours or so the hope for discharge today had went down with Sallys BP & liver function concern. However we got the okay & the morning has been levels checks & paperwork for the birth certificate, history, meds prescriptions, & other stuff that sally is busy filling out. Sally is taking her time with readying herself of reality of leaving today & all that will entail.
Gonna be a long day ;) Written Jan 12, 2013 4:23am
Nighttime update Written Jan 12, 2013 12:45am
Friday, January 11, 2013
Written Jan 11, 2013 8:06pm
Midafternoon Written Jan 11, 2013 1:18pm
Overnight update Written Jan 11, 2013 8:44am
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Mommy meets baby girl for first time (fully concious) Written Jan 10, 2013 9:47pm
Billing/insurance story Written Jan 10, 2013 4:14pm
Written Jan 10, 2013 3:02pm
Written Jan 10, 2013 8:18am
Written Jan 10, 2013 6:59am
Written Jan 9, 2013 10:06pm
Also had the breast pump on for the first time, obviously didn't get anything out but will be efforting every 2-3 hours to get her system used to producing & hormones working for when baby girl is able to take the milk down the feeding tube.
Watching many, many, many people walk in & out of baby girls' NICU room on the remote monitoring. Relief to have someone always monitoring, always adjusting for baby girl. Best care here, impressive.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Written Jan 9, 2013 7:23pm
Sally is doing great! Out of her drugged out phase and ate her first real meal that wasn't liquid in about 50 hours. Very tired still but doing great & extremely tough. Couldn't be more proud for how amazing Sally has done, responded, & battled.
It's a baby........Girl!!!! Written Jan 9, 2013 2:57pm
Go time Written Jan 9, 2013 12:53pm
Written Jan 9, 2013 9:58am
Written Jan 9, 2013 9:55am
Written Jan 9, 2013 9:03am
Written Jan 9, 2013 8:23am
Written Jan 9, 2013 8:21am
Waiting on docs from shift change to review results to decide if 5pm c-section is still possible or if we need to move up yet again.