Luckily I was down in Rochester before this snow storm hit but I'm hoping to make it back to Eau Claire tonight. Zoey has no idea what she's missing out there but I think she's just waiting for the warm weather to move in and stay in. Might be good that I'm heading back to Eau Claire, because we didn't have any power at RMH this morning. Who knows when they'll get that back.
Yesterday the cultures came back with a third strain of infection at her incision site and where the G tube is located. They have also started her on a 3rd antibiotic to prevent any fungal infection or problems in her lines. While the redness is the same as yesterday, the oozing is a bit more but they said it's all still looking good since it's overall not worse. We just have to keep that site as dry as we can to help it heal.
Today they are going to switch her to a new pump since she has too much milk to fit into the syringes anymore. It's called a kangaroo pump so I'm glad that we're sticking with the comforting kangaroo theme here. It may be the type of equipment we bring her home with to feed through her G tube to it'll be nice to have some practice with it ahead of time if that's true. They are also changing her feeds from continuous to every 2 hours today. I think she'll be one cranky baby later, especially since I won't be here for her to try more oral feeds when she's hungry. And if that goes well she might be switched to feeds every 3 hours which is apparently pretty normal for babies.
I love, love, love this picture of Zoey...all snuggled in, sleeping like an angel :o) Sorry to hear another infection has found its way to her, I hope that with the treatments she's on and her body continuing to grow and develop that soon her body will be all healthy again. Yay for more "normal" feedings!! Won't be long and she'll be making Mommy and Daddy pull the night shift :o) Did I mention I love this pic? Hee hee! Praying every day for all of you :o)