Wednesday, July 10, 2013

G tube removal

Zoey has been traveling lots visiting family and friends and has had numerous lunch/dinner dates meeting many, many wonderful people.  We also had some excitement a few weeks ago when her g tube popped out in the middle of the night because the balloon had a tiny hole allowing the water to leak out no longer securing it in place.  I have no idea how I remembered to change it but I was able to get the new one in despite being the wrong size.  I called Rochester after the fact to make sure we didn't need to go down there at all but they said everything sounded ok and that I should have the right g tube sent and then just replace.  I was more nervous putting the right one in a day later but that was probably because I had time to think about the process instead of just reacting.  It amazes me how someone (me) who could not stand little incisions and minor medical things a year ago has gone through this and is doing things like changing g tubes and such.  Crazy how being a parent changes so many things including your ability to not pass out when you see blood, incision sites, part of your insides, etc.

Yesterday Zoey turned 6 months old and marked the 2 month point of her being home.  Today Zoey had her 6 month well check appointment and got a couple more immunizations/boosters.  She did not like these as much this time compared to last time.  This only started her big day and the pediatrician was pleased with her progress.  She weighed in at 9lbs, 4 ozs and is consistently gaining about an ounce a day which is what they wanted of her since she came home.  We go back in a month for one more booster shot, follow up lab work to make sure her liver functions still look good, and a weight check.  We also have a follow up day with the NICU in Rochester which is standard for all families who leave.  This is not until September so Zoey's list of appointments is next to none now.  One step closer to normalcy and just living life.  

Today marked another big milestone!  We also had an appointment scheduled with Peds surgery here in Eau Claire.  This was the one day a month that they travel up here to have appointments.  I scheduled this appointment a few weeks ago in hopes that she would get her g tube removed.  It was not until we were sitting in the exam room  that we found out they would actually remove it today.  We were sooooo happy to hear this as we have not used it for 6 weeks to the day.  I'm not sure why we had an appointment for this really because all they did literally was take the tube out and put a piece of gauze over the site.  I could have done that. :-D  They advised us that it would leak a lot for the rest of today, then would be about the size of a pin hole the next few days with the leaking considerably less, then would be all closed up.  They gave us some gauze, some tape, and sent us on our way.  I honestly think that she knew that was the end of her g tube days because once it was out, she looked at us, we told her that was it, and then she laid there and just smiled.    It was such a great moment!!!  This is the first time in her life that she has been tube/line/machine free...100%!

Every day Zoey is looking and acting more and more like a "normal" baby.  We know she's anything but "normal" and is very special but she's learning to hold her head up, is smiling, is making cooing noises, is fussing from gas or hunger, all sorts of things other babies are doing.  Today felt like such a liberating day because it means we can do more normal things like tummy time with Zoey now.  I can hold her facing me without worrying her tube with be pulled on and leak.  I don't have to be careful lifting up her onesies at every diaper change for fear of pulling out the tube.  These are things that many people take for granted, but we've had to be aware of many little things like this for what seems like a long time.  We are extremely looking forward to the coming days and weeks to watch her keep growing, changing, learning, everything!

These last two pictures are Zoey with no G tube!

Again we thank everyone for their love and support & thoughts and prayers through all of this!